On 2013/09/03 23:02, Melissa Jenkins <melissa-xcs...@littlebluecar.co.uk> wrote:
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=8B17D894-4077-44F2-BB57-4F504022C7BC%40littlebluecar.co.uk&forum_name=xcsoar-devel
> Use the kernel image  (uImage) in the zip file.  Put it in the .kobo/upgrade 
> directory along to Max's KoboRoot.tgz and then reboot.  You should end up 
> with a USB host enabled device.
> Be aware that this kernel doesn't support device mode!  (It also may not 
> support WiFi, though I haven't tested that)

.. and that's why the problem is not solved yet, and why I havn't
distributed that kernel.  One can make it work now, but major problems
remain, and nobody has figured out a solution that will scale for all
users.  The latter is the hardest part.


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