On 2013/09/01 12:41, Ronald Niederhagen <ronald_niederha...@freenet.de> wrote:
> How exactly can I implement C) ? Can I use Kobo's WiFi? How can I 
> configure BlueNMEA so that it streams out over WiFi? Or am I totally 
> wrong here?

You can use WiFi.  Enable WiFi tehtering on your Android, launch
BlueNMEA, connect the Kobo to that network, use XCSoar's "TCP client"
device to connect to BlueNMEA.  Somewhat complicated; this
implementation has lots of rough edges.

> For B)
> I have a USB-RS232 adapter. Can I buy just any USB-OTG adapter?

Doesn't work just yet, until somebody hacks the Kobo kernel to
understand OTG and RS232 adapters.  Will probably not be finished for

> One last question: is the goal to make Kobo work with IOIO in the 6.7. 
> release? Or did I misunderstand that?

I'd really like to be compatible with IOIO, but this also requires
kernel hacking (lots of).  Definitely not ready for 6.7.  Give me some
more time next winter.  Or maybe somebody else likes to give it a try.

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