
   I just stumbled over a quote from Ian "Hixie"
Hickson commenting on the acronym XUIL on the WHAT WG

   Ian writes in respone to Matthew Raymond's
observation that WAML (Web Applications Markup
Language) appears to be a partial XML User Interface
Language (XUIL):

  It is much a "XUIL" as XHTML. More so, in fact, by

  I don't really understand the term "XUIL", though,
it's a bit like "UUIL" ("Unicode User Interface
Language") or "UILUET" ("User Interface Language Using
English Tags") -- highlighting one minor aspect of the
language to  the exclusion of others.

  Hear. Hear. Wasn't Mr. Ian "Hixie" Hickson the
leading advocate for using the XUIL acronym here on
xul-talk? Is WAML the new XUIL?

   Any comments? Any thoughts?

   - Gerald

Gerald Bauer

XUL Alliance | http://xul.sourceforge.net  
United XAML  | http://xaml.sourceforge.net

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