At 02:34 AM 9/28/02 +0800 Mark Gregson favored us with:
>Any way you slice it, the "program" was bizarre.  Why the heck would anyone want to 
>present "information" in that style? (you can't use the temple as a reason because it 
>is real and authorized).
>I believe that all rational LDS would have warning alarms going off if exposed to 
>this "program".  

I get alarm bells going off whenever I hear anything that would be out of place in a 
General Conference talk, or the Teachings of the Presidents of the Church of Jesus 
Christ of Latter-day Saints.  That stuff is weird enough for me.

John W. Redelfs                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"If only they knew the deep and all abiding weirdness that 
lurks under the surface of much of Mormon culture." --Eric 
Samuelson, AML List, September 25, 2002
"All my opinions are tentative pending further data." --JWR

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