Then why weren't the Japanese able to overcome the effects? The key here, I believe, is how would we know we had been hit to take the showers? Plus, what if they're laced with bioweapons?


At 01:52 AM 11/09/2002 -0500, you wrote:

Actually, dirty bombs are not a big deal from a radioactivity point of view.
If one is exposed to a dirty nuke, one only has to get to a complete shower
(at home will do just fine) within a couple of hours, and there will be no
long term effects.  The cleanup will be a pain to be sure, but not a really
big deal either.

Of course, with all the hysteria over nuclear power that the envirowackos
have stirred up, the emotional damage would be much greater.

But that's a topic for another thread, one that I have begun doing detailed
and extensive research on.  You will be the first to see the fruits of that
research - sort of a test market!


Marc A. Schindler wrote:
I think the most imminent threat isn't from a conventional nuke but from
so-called dirty bombs, which are conventional explosives packed with a messy
radioactive substance such as caesium (which is a powder in natural form).

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