For the ce driver you will need
137042-01 SPACR
137043-01  X86
which fix CR 6616075 ( ON Part )

as well as
118777-12 SPARC
118778-12  x86
which fix CR 6606507  the ce driver side.

Enda O'Connor wrote:
> Hi
> There is a doc at
> http://sunsolve.sun.com/search/document.do?assetkey=1-9-90317-1&searchclause=ip-type=exclusive%2420120011-14
> which goes through the patches required to get ip instances working on 
> pre u4.
> Also you'll need the ce patches, I'll try and dig them up for you.
> Enda
> Konstantin Gremliza wrote:
>> I would prefer not to upgrade, but to patch the solaris 10u3 to the 
>> functionality of 10u4 (mainly kernel and zones patches).
>> You also need the newly released ce driver patch, which will enable 
>> exclusive tcpip in zones.
>> regards, konstantin
>> Tony Wong wrote:
>>> Dear All and Solaris Expert,
>>> Our customer wanted to configure Global and Local zone in completely 
>>> difference IP Subnet and use difference default router. Understand 
>>> that existing Solaris 10 prior to update4, it's quite impossible, as 
>>> the Global zone will still see the Local zone IP traffic and the 
>>> routing can only be done of Global zone. Doing so, the Global zone 
>>> has becoming part of the member in the Local zone subnet....
>>> After escalated, SUN Backend engineer has advised that it can be 
>>> done on Solaris 10 update4. Now, customer wanted to upgrade from 
>>> Solaris 10 11/06 u3 to update 4, to have that feature. The following 
>>> is some of our customer's questions (In Green), my research (In red) 
>>> and question at the bottom of this email. Hope this email isn't too 
>>> long for your to read....
>>> 1, What would be the technical impact on their ecosystem? Any impact 
>>> on Solaris volume manager and container?
>>> Starting with this release, *Solaris* Live Upgrade has been changed 
>>> with the following enhancements:   <== Taking about Solaris 10 08/07 u4
>>>    *
>>>       You can upgrade the *Solaris* OS when non-global zones are
>>>       installed on a system by using *Solaris* Live Upgrade.  <== Then
>>>       what about Solaris 10 11/06 u3?????
>>> http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/817-0547/getjd?l=en&q=solaris+10+zoneadm&a=view#getas
>>> 2. A written confirmation from Sun that by updating the Solaris, it 
>>> will resolve their issue.
>>> Found the following:
>>> Determine whether the zone will be a shared-IP zone or an 
>>> exclusive-IP zone.
>>> For a shared-IP zone, which is the default, obtain or configure IP 
>>> addresses for the zone. Depending on your configuration, you must 
>>> obtain at least one IP address for each non-global zone that you 
>>> want to have network access.
>>> For an exclusive-IP zone, determine the data-link that will be 
>>> assigned to the zone. The zone requires exclusive access to one or 
>>> more network interfaces. The interface could be a separate LAN such 
>>> as bge1, or a separate VLAN such as bge2000. _*The data-link must be 
>>> GLDv3*_. A data-link that is *not* GLDv3 is identified as type: 
>>> legacy in the output of the dladm show-link command.
>>> http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/817-1592/6mhahuoov?l=en&a=view
>>> Document Say the GLDv3 is supported on the interface types: bge, 
>>> xge, and e1000g. But, _*Customer** E25K is running most ce interface*_
>>> http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/816-4554/6maoq01n5?l=en&a=view#gaugz
>>> Questions as follow:
>>> 1. Can we live upgrade the Solaris 10u3 to u4 without impacting 
>>> their existing solaris container/zone?
>>> 2. After upgraded, is their existing interface card supported to 
>>> configure global and local zone in difference subnet and use 
>>> individual default router without interface each other the global 
>>> and local zone.
>>> 3. How to configure it?
>>> Any advise and comment are very much appreciated. Thank you in advance
>>> Thanks
>>> Regards
>>> Tony Wong
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