Edward Pilatowicz wrote:
> On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 07:02:32AM -0600, Jerry Jelinek wrote:
>>> - why is there no locking around the pre-detach hook?
>> That hasn't changed with this code but if I recall correctly, the idea
>> was that predetach is not making any changes to the zone so we don't
>> lock until actual changes to the state are being made.
> hm.  that differs from the description in the dtd.  the dtd says the
> callback should be carefull making changes since it could be invoked
> multiple times.  it doesn't say anything about being read-only or
> concurrent invocations.  i'd probably just be best to include locking
> around the pre-detach call.


OK, I'll move the locking up.

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