
    Thank you for you answer.
     I had never though about running more than one instance of Trill on
the same machine... simnet links are new to me... a quick search on Google
didn't  give me much. Do you have any links about it?
      There is no problem in running this simulation on the global zone...
but the objective is to simulate a regular network running only regular
bridges and then I would substitute bridges for Trill links (one by one).
Can you see any problem doing that without virtualization?
      Thanks for your help.... I really appreciate.


Em 24/08/2012 19:11, "James Carlson" <carls...@workingcode.com> escreveu:

> On 8/22/2012 10:19 AM, Daniel Requena wrote:
> > Hi Edward,
> >
> >    I believe i was not so clear about the problem.
> >    I'm not trying to create vnics from inside the zone... I'm trying to
> > run this command inside the container: "dladm create-bridge -P trill -l
> > net0 mytrillBridge" (net0 being the vnic create from global zone).
> I wouldn't expect that to work well in a zone.  For one thing, the TRILL
> forwarding table isn't zone-aware.
> If you need to run multiple instances of TRILL on a single system, you
> can do that.  The design supports having multiple instances of TRILL,
> and (using simnet links) can simulate complex networks.  See:
> http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/rbridges-dev/2009-June/000576.html
> Because it's a bridging solution, and bridging takes place logically
> below the layers that do VLANs and VNICs and the like, it uses physical
> interfaces.
> If you really need to keep it out of the global zone for some reason, I
> think you'll need to run it in a VM.  But I don't understand the
> scenario in which that would be required.
> --
> James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <carls...@workingcode.com>
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