Am 10.03.2009 um 10:49 schrieb Wichert Akkerman:

> Perhaps in the future the Plone Foundation would be willing to donate
> code to the Zope Foundation. At this moment that is a bridge too far,
> and I fear that as soon as I suggest that at this point in time the
> entire relicensing movement will die in a never-ending debate. Lets
> save that one for a later day.

I suspect you're right on that and that we on this list can all say  
that, with hindsight, the licence debate should never have happened.  
Let's hope it can be resolved in the future. I hope this will become  
easier as development moves to a more library-based approach -- all  
hail TurPlango!

What we cannot (dual-)license for the CMF but think we need for the  
CMF we will have to reimplement. I have to agree with Jens that saying  
something was added to Plone rather than the CMF because of the Plone  
release cycle is disingenuous. As long as I have been following the  
list the CMF releases have been timed for Plone. It would be good to  
see this change from now on as I suspect the number of core developers  
on both projects is limited and both projects would benefit from  
effectively pooled resources and clear ideas of what goes where.

I also have to agree with Jens that the Plone mailing lists are way  
too noisy.

Charlie Clark
Helmholtzstr. 20
D- 40215
Tel: +49-211-938-5360
GSM: +49-178-782-6226

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