On Tuesday 11 October 2005 09:36, Jake wrote:
> Why not spend the time and energy making Zope.org a better place than just
> moving it off to yet another under-developed and utilized website?

zope.org has very different requirements than zope3.org. The reason we want 
our own system is that we need a collaboration tool that works. zope.org does 
not and (1) most of us have no Plone experience and (2) might not be willing 
to sign the agreement. Finally, it will do Zope 3 some good to have a public 
Web site built with it.

zope.org will be very heavy. zope3.org will be very light; a simple Wiki-like 
site that promotes collaboration. Even marketing is out of scope right now.

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
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