On Tue, Feb 28, 2006 at 12:31:33AM +0100, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
> I will also note that just because Zope 2 won't die, it doesn't mean we
> shouldn't clean it up. Eventually, Zope should mostly be reusing things
> from Zed.


I think this will be the way we get a real forward migration path for an
awful lot of us who are still using Zope 2 today, and expect to continue
doing so. 

We may or may not ever port to "zope 3", whatever that will mean in the
future. More likely we will just incrementally improve and clean up our
applications, just as Zope 2 itself will be getting incrementally better
and cleaner.  We'll have to address deprecation warnings at each
upgrade, but at no point will we be forced to do a complete rewrite.
And along the way, we'll be gradually getting access to more and more
nifty features.


Paul Winkler
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