Baiju M wrote:
On 9/28/06, Philipp von Weitershausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Lennart Regebro wrote:
> On 9/28/06, Tom Dossis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I've noticed the following changes in the zope 3.3 ZMI
>> Zope 3.3 - Can add utilities anywhere, e.g. to Folders (content space).
>> Zope 3.2 - Can only add utilities to a Site Mgmt Folder
> You can see it like this: The difference between a folder and a site
> has lessened.
> Folders are no more or less content space than sites. Any thing you
> can browse too is content. ;-)

No, Lennart, this is wrong. A site is still very much a site (ISite
determines "site-ness", nothing else). They're still regular folders
that contain content. The only difference between sites and folders is
that sites are a palce where you can make local component registrations.
This is still the same in Zope 3.3, only the constraint *where* these
components live has changed.

So, the concept of 'site' is part of component architecture
and not specific to application server?

It is specific to the application server. The Component Architecture only knows IComponentRegistry + IComponentLookup = IComponents.

Then, can we move up to
zope.component.interfaces.ISite or any other place?

Perhaps Jim recently suggested that perhaps we make a namespace package in which case could perhaps be distributed individually. Then zope.location would only depend on, not all of

If we can do like this, the zope.location's dependency on can be removed.

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