On 22 Oct 2001, Laura Conrad wrote:

> >>>>> "Richard" == Richard Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Richard> On Mon, 22 Oct 2001, Taral wrote:
>     >> I'll take this time to announce that I am working on a "libabc" that
>     >> eventually will handle abc file parsing so that development of new abc
>     >> applications is easier.
>     Richard> If this can find its way into general acceptance, it would be a Good
>     Richard> Thing.
> I agree, but what I want to hear is not so much about new features but
> a willingness to consider non-standard behavior as a bug (except for
> documented extensions), and a willingness to fix bugs even if they
> only affect other people's music.

Yes, I'd agree with this.

>     Richard> As a shorthand for "(ab.)", do you mean ?
>     >> .(...) operator:
>     >> Dotted slurs (not sure about this one)
>     Richard> like "(a.b.c.d.)" ?
> Again, abc2ps doesn't do anything different with this than with
> (abcd).

Yes, okay, I misunderstood. I was thinking dotted==staccato

Which, doesn't your abc2ps produce dotted notes ?

Odd thing, though. My "(a.b.c.d.)" above ought, surely, to produce 
staccato notes with a slur over them ? In fact, the first note doesn't
appear to have the dot. And (AB.)(c.d.) only produces a dot over the d.

I suppose it's my own fault for going out the pub earlier.

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem

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