On Mon, Oct 22, 2001 at 06:14:17PM -0400, Laura Conrad wrote:
> I agree, but what I want to hear is not so much about new features but
> a willingness to consider non-standard behavior as a bug (except for
> documented extensions), and a willingness to fix bugs even if they
> only affect other people's music.

Explain? libabc is going to be quite strict, especially about headers.
I'm probably going to have to provide an "abcfix" program that attempts
to "standardize" non-compliant abc files. Is this what you mean?

> I think what's being proposed is that:
>         a-a is two tied notes
>         a--a is two notes tied with a dashed tie
>         a-.a is two notes died with a dotted tie
>         (ab) is two slurred notes
>         .(ab.) (or maybe some other syntax) is two notes with a dotted
>         slur.
>         -(ab-) is two notes slurred with a dashed slur.

Indeed, but I wanted ".(ab)" and "-(ab)". Otherwise (espcially with
-(ab-)) you run into problems with the parser.

I just realized... it would have to be "(-ab)", otherwise "fg-(ab)"
comes out as a grammar conflict. (It's not very sensical anyway.)

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