On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, Bernard Hill wrote:

> >All the standard says is : << Generally one line of abc
> >notation will produce one line of music, although if
> >the music is too long it will overflow onto the next
> >line.>>

> But I take it that the sentence above means that it
> WILL break at a line end and MAY break elsewhere...

Maybe you're correct on that.

> The problem as a developer is that we're
> second-guessing writers of "bad" abc notation.

Anyway, I think it's a better approach to let the
software do the formatting of the music lines unless
the user forces a line break, with for example the "!"
notation found in the BNF standard. In general,
software should not assume that an ABC file was meant
to be print so it would bad to give to much weight to
the exact position of newlines in the file.

 Irwin Oppenheim

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