In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jeff Bigler
>> Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2003 23:42:01 +0100
>> From: Jack Campin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >> According to the BNF definition
>> >>
>> >> The bang is NOT a line terminator
>> Which was a booboo on the part of whoever let that through.
>> > IOW the ! simulates a line break.
>> It does in ABC2WIN, but as far as I know it doesn't yet in any other
>> application.  Which is a pain in the bum because it's a really good
>> idea and far more useful in the long term than the !...! constructs.
>Unfortunately, there's ABC out there that uses the !...! constructs, and
>other ABC out there that expects ! to be a line terminator.
>As far as I know, only abc2win has so far used ! as a line terminator,
>and the !...! extensions already exist in the 1.7.6 "draft standard",
>which most people on this list seem to agree should be the starting
>point for the new 2.0.0 standard.  This would argue for keeping !...! as
>part of standard ABC, and making ! as line terminator nonstandard.
>If this happens, I see several options for abc2win:

I'm more interested in the standard. However we do have to recognise
that many tunes out there use the abc2win standard.

>1) Keep ! as a line terminator and don't implement the !...!
>   extensions.  This would make abc2win a "nonstandard" implementation.
>2) Allow both.  Program abc2win to look first for all of the !...!
>   commands that are defined in the standard.  Any ! that is not part of
>   one of these commands is interpreted as a line terminator.  (Even if
>   the standard never mentions ! as a possible forced line break
>   character, I like this option as a piece of defensive programming.)
>   This probably wouldn't break many ABC files (if any), because the
>   odds of having two line breaks with only a few characters in between
>   is slim.  (Besides that, the only !...! commands that I see that
>   contain legal ABC in between are !D.C.!, !f!, !ff!, !fff!, and
>   !ffff!.)

No, that's a bad idea. It does not allow for extensions to these
symbols. If I write a program to test for all "standard" !..! comments
then my program breaks as soon as another is added to the standard or a
different program starts to recognise them. What we want from the
standard is that new features will not cause old programs to crash. Or
perhaps I should say "future new features will not cause current
programs to crash".

>3) Use another character for either the escape character for either
>   extensions (e.g., +...+ instead of !...!) or as a line terminator.
>   This would also make abc2win a "nonstandard" implementation, and
>   would definitely break some (possibly many) existing ABC files.
>In terms of adding a forced line break to the standard, several people
>have talked about preserving the few ASCII characters that are as yet
>undesignated in ABC for something "important".  I think having a unique
>forced line break character may well be useful enough to warrant using
>one of them.  What would folks think of using & for this purpose?
>P.S.  While we're on the subject of the !...! commands, does anyone know
>why the mezzo piano dynamic was left out?  I.e., !mp! is not in the
>1.7.6 draft standard, and abcm2ps doesn't implement it.  (I had to add
>it by hand to deco.c, as follows.)

<g> I had already implemented in my upcoming abc reader as it's an
obvious omission.

Bernard Hill
Braeburn Software
Author of Music Publisher system
Music Software written by musicians for musicians
Selkirk, Scotland

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