On 2/13/03 7:26 PM, "Cliff Stabbert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To ask another question: given that I only had math up to
> differential calculus, and have forgotten most of that, can you
> recommend (a) good (text)book(s) to get me grounded in the
> mathematical/information theory concepts necessary to understand the
> above?  Thanks in advance.

The Li and Vitanyi book is actually intended to be a graduate-level text in
theoretical computer science (or so it says on the cover) and is formatted
like a math textbook.  It assumes little and pretty much starts from the
beginning of the field; you should have no problems accessing the content.

It is a well-written book, which is a good thing since it is sort of THE
text for the field with few other choices.


-James Rogers

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