Ben Goertzel wrote:

I still don't really get it, sorry... ;-(

Are you saying

A) that a conscious, human-level AI **can** be implemented on an ordinary Turing machine, hooked up to a robot body


B) A is false


Yeah that about does it.

Specifically: It will never produce an original scientific act on the a-priori unknown. It is the "unknown" bit which is important. You can't deliver a 'model' of the unknown that delivers all of the aspects of the unknown without knowing it all already!....catch have to be exposed /directly/ to all the actual novelty in the natural world, not the novelty recognised by a model of what novelty is. Consciousness (P-consciousness and specifically and importantly visual P-consciousness) is the mechanism by which novelty in the actual DISTANT natural world is made apparent to the agent. Symbolic grounding in Qualia NOT I/O. You do not get that information through your retina data. You get it from occipital visual P-consciousness. The Turing machine abstracts the mechanism of access to the distal natural world ....and hence has to be informed by a model, which you don't have...

Because scientific behaviour is just a (formal, very testable) refinement of everyday intelligent behaviour, everyday intelligent behaviour of the kind humans have - goes down the drain with it.

With the TM precluded from producing a scientist, it is precluded as a mechanism for AGI.

I like scientific behaviour. A great clarifier.


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