On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 9:59 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Also, from what I've seen, it's not a position that I think
> I've ever seen defended in any convincing way, and I kind of suspect it
> can't be.  Indeed, it sets off my crank-alert.

Yes, thank you.

If I can summarize Colin's opinion, without resorting to 150 years of
biology hand waving:

* human brains perceive reality not via senses, but via magic stuff in
the brain which you'll never learn and can never duplicate.. unless,
of course, you listen to what I think and implement my special magic
hardware, which is clearly superior and don't even try trotting out
that stuff about all computation being universal cause this stuff is
*really new* and therefore better.

* Oh, and even though every good scientist recognizes the importance
of using instruments and measurement in experiments, that stuff in no
way implies that the way humans see the world is more of a *hindrance*
to the study of said world.. in fact, it's so completely necessary
that without it an intelligence can never be intelligent.

If you disagree with my paraphrasing of your opinion Colin, please
feel free to rebut it *in plain english* so we can better figure out
what the hell you're on about.



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