> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Parker [mailto:ianpark...@gmail.com]
> How do you solve World Hunger? Does AGI have to. I think if it is truly
"G" it
> has to. One way would be to find out what other people had written on the
> subject and analyse the feasibility of their solutions.

Yes, that would show the generality of their AGI theory. Maybe a particular
AGI might be able to work with some problems but plateau out on its
intelligence for whatever reason and not be able to work on more
sophisticated issues. An AGI could be "hardcoded" perhaps and not improve
much, whereas another AGI might improve to where it could tackle vast
unknowns at increasing efficiency. There are common components in tackling
unknowns, complexity classes for example, but some AGI systems may operate
significantly more efficiently and improve. Human brains at some point may
plateau without further augmentation though I'm not sure we have come close
to what the brain is capable of. 


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