OK, I've installed Mythbuntu 10.04 on a VM and it was sailing pretty
close to the 256MB of RAM available.  However, I removed
NetworkManager and a couple of other bits and pieces and it's now down
to this:
(with frontend running) 204MB used, plus 9MB swap used
(without myth frontend) 169MB used, plus 9MB swap used

  apt-get remove xscreensaver networkmanager wpagui wpasupplicant

Then go to Applications - Settings - Session and Startup.  I turned
off gnome services, policykit, updatenotifier, secret storage...

I don't know how I'd get it down to 100MB, but I'm guessing this will
be good enough. I'll post back my results from the install on the atv.

On May 5, 5:03 am, mrtisoy <daveh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was running Mythbuntu 8.04 on my appleTV for a couple years and had
> to upgrade when I upgraded my server to 10.04. I just assumed that
> installing a fresh copy of Mythbuntu 10.04 would be the smart thing to
> do. Maybe I should have researched a little more.
> The install went fairly smoothly, it is up and running and
> communicating with the server. Both HD and SD content plays well
> except a blip every 5 seconds or so. I figured it had to do with the
> gpu clocking. I can't seem to set the speed through the command line
> or in a script, but it does work using the nvidia-settings GUI, but
> even then the blips continue.
> I have seen a lot of swapping, but I was hoping that was because I was
> running other programs as well (terminal, nvidia-settings) and
> normally I would only be running the front end.
> Does anyone have suggestions on how to "slim" it down? Or should I
> just jump to 9.04 or 9.10?
> Thanks!
> --
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