--- Robert Seeberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hmmmmm.......Wes Clark....... potential SoD you
> think?
> xponent
> Too Early For Appointment Strategy Maru
> rob

God help us, I hope not.  I can't imagine a plausible
worse choice.  Plus, while I don't think Kerry's that
bright, he's not dumb either.  Inviting Wes Clark to
be your SecDef is begging for problems in the Cabinet.
 The current hot rumor is Graham Allison, but that's
unlikely, I think.  Ash Carter would have been another
choice, but he screwed up and supported Dean (what
_was_ he thinking?).  Ummm, I don't know.  On defense
issues the Democratic bench is really worrisomely thin
- it wasn't just a bipartisan gesture to make Bill
Cohen SecDef.  Bill Perry is, I think, a little too
long in the tooth for the job, although he would be
great, of course.  I'm trying to think whom else is a
possibility - it'll probably be someone entirely
different who would never occur to me.  I certainly
never thought _Rumsfeld_ would end up as this SecDef.

Now let's just all pray that Pete Peterson gets
Treasury.  _That_ would be phenomenal.  As good as
Rubin, quite possibly.  The other guy I wish it could
be but won't be is Franklin Raines.  He's got caught
in the Fannie Mae scandal, though.  It's a real pity. 
Someone asked me a few months ago (before the scandal
broke) if I thought Raines should be Treasury
Secretary.  I said no, and when they asked why, my
response was "Because I think he should be President
of the United States."  I dearly hope and pray that
the whole investigation of him is nothing more than a
witchhunt by the SEC, because he's always been the
best of the best, and having a man like him getting
caught in something as petty as an accounting scandal
would be a Yeatsian tragedy ("The best lack all
convictions, while the worst / Are full of passionate
intensity") and nothing less.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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