--- David Brin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Gautam's rationalizations below are sad.
> Since a security guard is likely a republican, his
> rationalizations are similar to the Swift Boaters
> for
> truth.

What's perhaps more sad is that you feel free to talk
like this when you don't even read posts.  What part
of "registered Democrat" didn't you understand?  And I
_love_ the sort of thinking that leads you to "a
security guard is likely a Republican", by the way.
> I prefer looking at Kerry's comrades in arms, EVERY
> SINGLE ONE OF WHICH stepped forward to be with him,
> expressing admiration and gratitude.  They knew him
> best & I'll take their word.

Well, his fellow officers didn't feel that way, and
they were his comrades in arms too.  Also, "EVERY
SINGLE ONE OF WHICH" (incidentally, do you think
shouting makes you look _more_ rational?) is, you
know, factually not true, since one of his crew has
come out very strongly against him.  Nor, in fact, was
I supporting the Swift Vet accusations (most of which
I found absurd and repugnant and I opposed, as I
oppose _all_ the 527 groups), just relating my
experiences as to why Kerry is viewed the way he is. 
Again, what I'm doing here is I'm distinguishing
between my opinions and actual evidence.

> As for Dems being soft.  I repeat:
> Clinton planned Afghanistan so that W could say
> "go!"
> and get all the credit.

Dr. Brin, by your standard Clinton also planned the
invasion of Belize.  Invasion plans for pretty much
every country on earth are regularly planned in the
bowels of the Pentagon under every President.  That's
sort of what it's for.

Apart from which, I didn't say they were soft
(although I do think that).  I was explaining why I
thought (that's my opinion) that the overwhelming
majority of military officers are Republicans (that is
a fact).  For someone who has abruptly adopted a
veneration for everyone in the military, I would think
that this is a fact that you need to deal with.  As I
am occassionally moved to point out, you don't get to
choose your own.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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