Well done Sam - this is how we should be responding to newbie
questions, rather than some of the "crap" that used to go on (not
pointing at anybody in particular). Maybe we should all take a page
out of your book and save this post so we can cut-and-paste it into
further seemingly-obvious questions on this list.


On Jan 23, 10:49 am, "Samuel DeVore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 22, 2008 5:07 PM, longint <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hmm, I don't disagree with your explanation but did everyone who
> > installed the latest cake get this?  This is a common message?  And if
> > so I don't see it in the manual (though it's not complete).
> If it is a clean install, I believe that they will get this message.
> So yes it's a common message.  Why is it not in the manual...  Here is
> my guess, in order to write the manual you have probably been using
> cake for so long that stuff like that just seems obvious.  There is a
> lot about cake that after a while when you see a question one's first
> reaction, "Oh my goodness how could you not know this..."  Which is
> unfair (I am as guilty of this as anyone), since you are new and don't
> have the conventions and expectations around how CakePHP reports stuff
> to you and how it tries to help...
> > I guess what I'm trying to get at is that (assuming) this is not the
> > expected result of an initial cake launch, why would it bark at me?
> Because it is trying to help you, it's just software and it really has
> no manners...  :)  What should you do, here is my suggestion.  Go 
> tohttp://trac.cakephp.org/join and open a ticket on the documentation
> about this.  Now that you understand what cake is saying to you,
> suggest changes to the documentation, because we may not know that it
> is a problem.  Even a suggestion for the error message to make it
> clearer for you as a newbie.  Remember that the developers are so far
> from the 'newbie experience' that they would probably appreciate
> suggestions on how to make the message clearer.  But tickets in Trac
> are the way to make it known that you would like some more clarity to
> the manual or the error messages.
> Make sure you check out thehttp://tempdocs.cakephp.org/ the people
> writing it are trying to make it all clear and helpful, but if there
> are things missing in many cases they just don't notice and will not
> notice unless you help them see the problem.
> Hope that helps and thanks for helping make it all better
> Sam D
> > On Jan 22, 6:59pm, Baz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > :)
> > > I can't help but smile because I know what everyone else is thinking: 
> > > "Just
> > > read the error and follow the instructions". But, I also know what you're
> > > thinking; you don't know what's going on. You just did a clean install so
> > > you shouldn't be getting and "error".
> > > All things aren't obvious to everyone. This is just what I know; I may be
> > > missing a huge chunk of the big picture, but here goes:
> --
> (the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you
> - its a fine line between a real question and an idiot
> http://blog.samdevore.com/archives/2007/03/05/when-open-source-bugs-me/
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