2006/2/3, Andrus Adamchik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> We at Cayenne project (http://objectstyle.org/cayenne/) are planning
> to build EJB 3 compatibility in the framework for the next major
> release. I would love to cooperate with ObjectEJB developers as our
> efforts are complimentary (OpenEJB providing the container and
> "traditional" EJBs and Cayenne - the ORM part of the spec).

Hi Andrus,

Why not. You can start developing the integration right away. When you
get started, let us know about it ;) Ask questions and move on. I'm
sure more people will eventually jump in and help implementing it. One
caveat I can see at the moment is that OpenEJB 3 will/may require JSE
5 or retroviewer or retrotranslator are used.

> What's everybody's thoughts on that? (Jacek's message seems to imply
> that the container work has already started?)

I've heard Dain and Dave are working on some changes that would
simplify development and the branch openejb3 seems to prove it ;) No
talks about it yet happened, afaik. People  seem to experiment.

> Andrus Adamchik

Jacek Laskowski

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