On Feb 4, 2006, at 9:29 PM, David Blevins wrote:

Warning: going to spin acronyms on you and use EJB3 to refer to the new EJB3 Simplified API and JPA to refer to the new javax.persistence API. I swizzled the subject to reflect.

Ah, all those EJB's look the same to me :-) Seriously - thanks for correction.

In the fantasy land in my mind, there will be many JPA Providers out there and OpenEJB will support them all via the standard mechanism for an app specifying it's desired PersistenceProvider.

We don't yet have the code that plugs in a JPA Persistence Provider, so that would be the first thing we'd need to work on.

Cool. On the positive side this'll give us some time to finish current release.

You should checkout retrotransaltor. Digging into it now myself. I hear impressive things about it such as it being able to run the JAXB2 reference implementation which can't be easy.

Interesting. I should check it out. While generics really hurt my eyes, I'd love to use most of the other 1.5 features.


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