On Feb 4, 2006, at 7:07 AM, Jacek Laskowski wrote:
Why not. You can start developing the integration right away. When you
get started, let us know about it ;) Ask questions and move on. I'm
sure more people will eventually jump in and help implementing it.

Makes sense. On our end we will probably start by creating a javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider facade to the current (non- EJB3) Cayenne API. I need advice where and how we can plug this to OpenEJB, and is this even possible at this point?

One caveat I can see at the moment is that OpenEJB 3 will/may require JSE
5 or retroviewer or retrotranslator are used.

I haven't seen any official Sun statements on whether J2EE 1.5 should work with JDK 1.4, but common sense tells me "no, it can't", cause it relies on JDK 1.5 features. So is it even an issue with OpenEJB (or Geronimo for that matter)? I mean if the spec says 1.5, why maintain 1.4 compatibility in the *new* releases?

In Cayenne this *is* an issue as it works as a standalone engine that is not tied to a particular J2EE spec version. We addressed the need to support JDK 1.5 and still provide a big subset (99%) of functionality for 1.4 users by splitting the code in two subprojects, with cayenne-1.5 dependent on cayenne-1.4:



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