Alex Deucher dixit:

>> >and two for bsd
>> >
>> >1. bsd                 monolithic
>> >2. bsd-core            modular as above

>why not just let the kernel provide the drm?  Most if not all recent
>linux and bsd kernels (last few years) have drm support.  The dri and
>ddx will adapt depending on what's available in the kernel.

For the record, "BSD" seems to mean FreeBSD exclusively here
(and maybe DragonFly, which relates to FreeBSD like MirOS
relates to OpenBSD, namely being a fork).

I've tried to build DRI/DRM on OpenBSD and MirOS for XF86 4.4;
I eventually got DRI working but it just blanked the screen
instead of using Mesa when it didn't find a DRM, which is a
K.O. criterium, thus I haven't looked deeper into it.

The DRM use FreeBSD-ish <> whereas OpenBSD and derivates
have <>, and from a short glimpse on the code I've
got the impression it's non-trivial to support OpenBSD too.
I'm not too experienced in kernel programming though.

I think we _can_ load kernel modules though, I've played with
a VMware 3 module some time (but VMware didn't want to play
with me, so I left).

If that "screen blank, no Mesa" issue is fixed, you could
probably enable DRI builds on OpenBSD and MirOS, too. I
haven't looked into it on 4.5 yet.

> [...] Echtzeit hat weniger mit "Speed"[...] zu tun, sondern damit, daß der
> richtige Prozeß voraussagbar rechtzeitig sein Zeitscheibchen bekommt.
Wir haben uns[...] geeinigt, dass das verwendete Echtzeit-Betriebssystem[...]
weil selbst einfachste Operationen *echt* *Zeit* brauchen.      (aus d.a.s.r)

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