2012/5/29 Bryce Johnson <sie...@gmail.com>:
> That is true, but then I will lose the ability to square off my gantry when
> I do homing.  I suppose what I could open an linuxcnc with one ini in joint
> mode.  Close that down and open my slaved one up and home it again in place.

And how will You ensure that machine does not lose position, when
LinuxCNC window is closed?

I once tried to switch a joint from one axis to another in HAL - so
that it was independent, when homing and then slave it with a vcp
button. Did not work out, because after homing it does reset joint
position, but it does not reset motor position, so some offset is
there. I could have created a HAL module to take care of that, but I
preferred fixing the cause instead of fighting consequences.
But You could "disconnect" one joint in HAL:
1) home X with the slaved joint connected to a homing switch in slave
end of the gantry (so that the gantry does not get racked more than it
would be at that moment),
2) then disconnect the slaved joint
3) and rehome to a homing switch on master end of gantry (and square
the gantry out).
For that You would need to slave the joint in HAL -  route x-step and
x-dir signal each to 2 LPT pins.
Connecting/disconnecting can be done with mux2 component - route step
signals to slave joint through mux2 component (set the other input pin
to be 0 with setp command). If no step pulses are issued to stepper
drive, it will hold the position.
But You will need to customize mux2 to have bit pins on both inputs and output.
And use the same mux2 to select, which home switch - on master or
slave end - is connected to axis.0.home-sw-in.
And drive both mux2.sel pins with the same button in vcp, so that they
are switched together.

But I would like to see, if that fiddle with kinematics modules does
help or no. If it works, then it would be most convenient to use.


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