Charlie M. wrote:

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October 18, 2003 09:03 am, Joeb wrote:

I've downloaded the 9.2 tree and I am attempting to build the ISO images
with MakeCD.  Using the commands in the README.MakeCD, the ISOs are all
created, but there are a lot packages that give dependency errors and
are left out.  Also, I notice that the descriptions for the ISOs all
refer to Cooker-Download 1 (2,3,4,etc).

I'm wondering if what is out on the servers is really 9.2 or is it a
cooker snapshot?    Also, there is a i586/misc/doc directory that looks
like it has a configuration file for 9.2, but I can't figure out how to
use it.  Since it takes a long time to build the ISOs, trial and error
becomes very frustrating.  So, has anyone else tried building the ISOs
with MakeCD?


p.s. if/when I get this to work, with all of the wrinkles out, I'll post
it to the twiki.

Hi Joe;

In this part of the development cycle cooker as frozen for release is 9.2, 9.2 is cooker to all intents and purposes. The script used to generate the ISOs is slightly different but the packages are basically the same.

The only ISOs I've generated are from my "local cooker mirror" and are called "Cooker Download" after generation, but after install the boot splash identifies it as "9.2 Download edition." If you're impatient for the release you could try that, I don't know if it will work still since I did this before rsync started actually pulling new packages. In other words when cooker was still frozen.

Have you run gendistrib yet? I believe that's used to clean the trees before building ISOs but I could be wrong. I'm sure there are notes about it on the TWiki (cooker).

There are links and mini how-tos from that page to MakeCD and other tidbits.

Personally I think I'll wait for the 7 disk Power Pack from the Mandrake Store. Disks only, no support, no manuals etc.

But not for this box. It stays cooked.

That link will probably wrap.

- -- Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
13:49:56 up 28 days, 3:12, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
I owe the government $3400 in taxes. So I sent them two hammers and a
toilet seat.
-- Michael McShane
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)



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I'll probably wait for the power pack, too. I was just curious as to how to do it. The CDs I made, did boot, but I didn't try installing because of all of the dependency errors (most of them in apach2, but there were others, too, like gdm). My real reason to try was that I have a high speed connection from work, but not home. But the work connection does work with BitTorrent. So, I could ftp the 9.2 tree down and I thought I would build my own ISOs. Like I said, the process was pretty smooth (although lengthy) and I ended up with 8 CDs (I included contrib, too). But, with all of those dependency errors, I didn't want to risk screwing something up (my test linux box is temporarily in production).

In reality, downloading the tree and running MakeCD was not significantly more work that ftp'ing ISOs. Oh well, the powerpack should be shipping in the next two weeks!


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