From: "Joeb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Charlie M. wrote:
> >Have you run gendistrib yet? I believe that's used to clean the trees
> >building ISOs but I could be wrong. I'm sure there are notes about it on
> >TWiki (cooker).
> >

gendistrib if for prepairing the tree for hd / network installs...
you don't need it for making cds...

both gendistrib and makecd does that procedure...
gendistrib verifies dependencies and write one / synthesis for
the whole media, leaving out the packages that don't have their
depencies met...

as for makecd is does the exact same thing, but it splits up
and synthesis based on amount of cd's, and their contents....
(so urpmi/rpmdrake will know on wich cd to look...)


> I'll probably wait for the power pack, too.  I was just curious as to
> how to do it.  The CDs I made, did boot, but I didn't try installing
> because of all of the dependency errors (most of them in apach2, but
> there were others, too, like gdm).  My real reason to try was that I
> have a high speed connection from work, but not home.  But the work
> connection does work with BitTorrent.  So, I could ftp the 9.2 tree down
> and I thought I would build my own ISOs.  Like I said, the process was
> pretty smooth (although lengthy) and I ended up with 8 CDs (I included
> contrib, too).  But, with all of those dependency errors, I didn't want
> to risk screwing something up (my test linux box is temporarily in
> production).

The dependency problems is only makecd's way to inform you
that those packages won't be on the cd's as you cant install them
so it does make the cd's installable ...

> In reality, downloading the tree and running MakeCD was not
> significantly more work that ftp'ing ISOs.  Oh well, the powerpack
> should be shipping in the next two weeks!
> Joeb



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