On 9 Jul 2002, at 23:10, Philip Aker wrote:

> On Tuesday, July 9, 2002, at 05:08  PM, David W. Fenton wrote:
> > And in the expression list, there's no way to tell the 
> > difference between "arco" (violin), "arco" (viola), "arco" 
> > (cello) and "arco" (bass).
> That is only true in prehistoric versions of Finale. Now we type 
> arco<cello> and the <cello> doesn't print.
> Let's be fair David. We're comparing 2002 releases here.

Very well, but it nonetheless requires multiple instances of a single 
expression. The Sibelius method of understanding what arco means after a 
pizzicato and automatically switching to the appropriate patch seems so 
obviously superior that I can't quite comprehend how people could argue 
against such ease of use.

Indeed, all the responses have basically been on the order "well, it's 
not *that* complicated in Finale," which is damning with faint praise.

David W. Fenton                         |        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                 |        http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc
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