On 21-11-2014 18:41, Paul Vinkenoog wrote:
> Mark Rotteveel wrote:
>>> "All statements except the BEGIN…END blocks must be separated by a 
>>> semicolon.."
>>> - terminated, not separated.
>> I think separated is actually correct here (although terminated is as
>> well). The statement is terminated by the semi-colon, but multiple
>> statements are separated by the semi-columns
> It's not exactly the same thing. If statements must be *separated* by 
> semicolons (like in Pascal), the separator can be omitted after the last 
> statement in a block, e.g. before 'end', 'else' or 'until'.
> But in PSQL, even that last statement must be terminated by a semicolon.

If you look at for example the Java Language Specification (chapter 
Lexical Structures), then the following class of characters are 
designated as separators:
(   )   {   }   [   ]   ;   ,   .   ...   @   ::

And in Java the semicolon is non-optional.

So IMHO both uses are perfectly valid.

Mark Rotteveel

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