"Alan Teeder" wrote:

> Brisa script has this line
>                git clone git://gitorious.org/fg/fgdata.git fgdata
> This is also the default to which all new users are most likely to come 
> across..

Q) We need to use smaller bolts for the railway bridge !  Every time I
   try to mount a bolt with my hammer, I'm getting stuck in the
A) Would you consider using one of the big sledgehammers for these
   bolts ?
Q) I picked up one of the toolbooxes they have as a gift at the local
   homebuilders store and it contains just this single 250 g hammer. 
   I think it's the default to assemble bridges with hammers of this

I agree, the Base Package is really big, but, as Vivian already pointed
out, the problem is way too complicated for solutions you can buy in a

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