On Sun, 2012-09-23 at 13:33 +0000, Martin Spott wrote:
> "Alan Teeder" wrote:
> > Brisa script has this line
> >                git clone git://gitorious.org/fg/fgdata.git fgdata
> > 
> > This is also the default to which all new users are most likely to come 
> > across..
> <fun>
> Q) We need to use smaller bolts for the railway bridge !  Every time I
>    try to mount a bolt with my hammer, I'm getting stuck in the
>    middle.
> A) Would you consider using one of the big sledgehammers for these
>    bolts ?
> Q) I picked up one of the toolbooxes they have as a gift at the local
>    homebuilders store and it contains just this single 250 g hammer. 
>    I think it's the default to assemble bridges with hammers of this
>    size.
> </fun>
> I agree, the Base Package is really big, but, as Vivian already pointed
> out, the problem is way too complicated for solutions you can buy in a
> box.
> Cheers,
>       Martin.

  The main problem is of distribution of aircraft, this is the largest
and most volatile source of data in fgdata, if we had some way to
distribute aircraft "on demand" that also auto-update when versions are
released that would cut out a large portion of the problem.

  So what if we a mechanism that would on-demand download an aircraft
package when it is first referenced (fgrun, or on the command line). The
downloading could pre-cached by downloading tar files. Then we can
remove (in theory) all the aircraft from fgdata, this would also remove
the need for juggling the "base package" aircraft if that was desired.

 Since moving to gitorious, there is no good reason for any aircraft
developer to be developing in fgdata, they can have their own
development "hangars" then release a packaged aircraft to the on-demand
download server. The download package could use the -set.xml file (or a
new manifest file) that contains versioning (package version and
matching FG version) and any license information or dependencies.

 The downloading of these aircraft packages only needs to be done by
HTTP or FTP, it would just be a single packaged tar file, these could be
gzip/bziped to make the transfer smaller. The concept could be further
developed to provide a single "aircraft" store similar in concept to
android, iOS, Windows etc except all of our packages would be free.

  Just a thought

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