On 24/05/17 03:07, nore...@z505.com wrote:
> I can't find enough time in the day to read even one single email
> list (fpc-pascal), let alone two, or more..
> How in the world do people (you) keep up with reading email lists and
> not waste the entire day?
> It seems some of you have super human powers that I don't have, to be
> able to both program, and email, and read email, and cook/work.
> I can barely keep up with one email list, and fpc is not even that
> popular of a list compared to others...
> Maybe I'm a retard and my brain is slow, but how the f**k do you keep
> up with all these emails and have any time for programming, cooking,
> working, hiking, possibly a relationship with opposite sex?
> There is just no time.
> I'm positive that some of you are just clever A.I. bots posing as
> humans.. that's where your super powers come from. You're not
> actually humans..
> Reason for posting this to fpc-other: obvious. 

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on news.gmane.org 

using Mozilla Thunderbird

enable threaded view

take a course in speed reading

read the posts using 'space' to scroll down and to go to next post.

Just finished the .social, .devel, .general ~60 posts and posted 2 replies

6 messages in .lazarus.general remaining

~20 minutes more or less

Sorted :)

or use the gmane.org web interface :) I just noticed it came back with a new 
(after previous maintainer got scared of being sued out of existence by some 
half wit)

(EDIT : they are not back yet with the web interface... but it at least seems 
to be worked on)


fpc-other maillist  -  fpc-other@lists.freepascal.org

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