On 05/26/2017 12:51 AM, nore...@z505.com wrote:
On 2017-05-25 04:20, wkitt...@windstream.net wrote:
while i understand what you are saying, i always get a huge belly
laugh when someone says anything about cluttering an inbox... that's
just crazy when you have filters that can easily move new mail to its
own folder for reading... each of the FPC related mailing lists comes
into my thunderbird and is filtered to its own (sub)folder where the
messages are read in threaded mode... it is faster and available to me
even when i'm offline... plus i have a local copy of all the messages
so i can search historically if desired...

Indeed you can hide all the mailing list into one folder so its not visible.

why one folder? i have

  freepascal related
  ham radio
  linux stuff
  and so on and so on and so on

But once you start opening that folder and trying to read through, say 5

5 lists is 5 (sub)folders...

your day is just used up - especially if you stop to help someone on the list
and then have to open up fpc to test your idea/help hint you gave to them.
back in the 80s, i used to work 10-12 hour days and then come home and read 500+ messages in numerous fidonet echomail areas... of those 500+ messages i read, i would write at least 20-25 replies containing support information... t'was no big deal... i still do the same but fidonet is not as active as it was back in the day and these mailing lists are also not as much... but i still receive an average of 500 messages a day in my email...

I'm convinced you are all lying a.i. bots with super powers, though

hahaha... nope... just experienced readers of messages who have learned how to work through them fairly quickly and easily... i will grant that it does take an hour or two... if i'm offering someone some help and have to go write code, i do that over several days... even if it means skipping some reading a day or two...

 NOTE: No off-list assistance is given without prior approval.
       *Please keep mailing list traffic on the list unless*
       *a signed and pre-paid contract is in effect with us.*
fpc-other maillist  -  fpc-other@lists.freepascal.org

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