
On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 5:58 PM, Jim Hall <jh...@freedos.org> wrote:
> I posted this topic to the FreeDOS Facebook group, as well. Sharing
> some comments from our Facebook friends, to add to the discussion:
> (edited for clarity/brevity)
> - a floppy maintainance kit
> [I think this means a set of disk repair utilities?]

Chkdsk? Dosfsck? Raread? Diskcomp?

> - Internet tools (ftp, web browser, email, etc)

mTCP is quite good. So is Links2.

> - A version of FreeDOS 2.0 that targets older machines, distributed as
> a few 360k floppy images.

How?? I'm not even aware of any emulators that support such size.
(Maybe they do, I haven't checked much.) Even 720 kb might be barely
useful, but I don't know how to make/modify it (without physical

MetaDOS is (almost) 720 kb. That could easily be tweaked, if anyone
needed it. (That was the whole point of making it.)

> - "Barebone" setup profile for the minimal installation possible,
> something slightly more functional than "format c: /s"
> [not sure how this differs from installing "Base only"?]

MetaDOS is a single floppy. If there was literally any other (that I
knew of), especially still maintained, .... Well, beggars can't be

It does have minimal installation tools (fdisk, format, sys, bootmgr).

> - Meta-packages or "package groups", so we can install full sets of
> programs in one shot (such as "Development" to install all of the dev
> tools)

In MetaDOS, everything is downloaded via FTP or WGET. There are simple
.BATs (plain text) to do this. Granted, I don't point to literally
everything, but there's a lot of links to various programming tools.
But, concerning official repos, it only supported FDBASE and FDUTIL
(back before 1.2 changed/added a lot). Everything else was just
whatever I could find and test.

> - Tools to make it easier to roll out / deploy FreeDOS to many
> machines, or at least a scripted / automated setup

I'm not sure what kind of miracle people are expecting here. There's
so many complications (MBR or GPT? UEFI w/ CSM?). I think FDISK can be
automated, but I haven't tried. The absolute bare minimum DOS
installation can be done in less than five minutes (assuming quick
format on reasonably-sized drive).

But VMs are easier and safer to use, so I think most reasonable people
(without retro/old/dedicated hardware) should use that instead.

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