Hi guys,

How about some of our md5 and sha... sum implementations?

I'm working on pdsum, something that started as an expansion of pdSFV (http://rescene.wikidot.com/pdsfv ) but I completely rewrote it since. It compiles with Borland C++ 3.1 to 37 kbytes (without UPX) but it supports flavors of CRC-16/32/64 as well as MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512 (! :-) ), BLAKE2S and BLAKEB. It compiles for 8086 or 386; it also compiles with Watcom C, DJGPP, MinGW and MinGW64. Would you be interested? I need volunteers for testing...

* arclds (6 kb)

Is that like "file" but only for zip and other archives?

(I'm _very_ proud that it got mentioned at all!) It's not for identifying file formats, it rather lists the _contents_ of archives. I've been developing it since - but not released it yet -, with the new name "arclist", now compiling to 10 kbytes (without UPX) but with support for 64-bit file sizes (ZIP64). And a 8086 version and a multi-platform C version, too.

At this very moment, I'm hacking TASM-style features into NASM so that I can compile arclist with NASM instead of TASM.

I would be honored to donate both to FreeDOS, with public domain license.

KOVÁCS Balázs aka Joe Forster/STA; s...@c64.rulez.org; http://sta.c64.org
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