Owen -

While I'm on it: I feel disenfranchised this year because the Dems don't have a primary too.
My parents used to (re)register every election for whatever party had the most interesting primaries. Then one day they woke up died-in-the-wool Republicans.

The old saying goes "if you are not liberal when you are young and conservative when you are old, there is something wrong". My variation is "if you are not idealistic when you are young and pragmatic when you are old, there might be something a little awry". I was *much* more enamored of the conservative ideals when I was young (because I was growing up in a time when liberal ideals were in the water, as it were, and conservatives were busy trying to regain that ground... perhaps as they are again?).

Pragmatism and worldly experience lead me to embrace liberal idealogy, or at least spirit much more as time went on. I want to live in a world of happiness and abundance, not fear and scarcity. Some might argue that I'm on the wrong side of the "ticket" for this, but the bottom line for me is seeking to frame the very real problems of the world in a way that allows them to be solved and not to require the domination of any group over any other (including the tyrannical majority of democracy over it's minorities).

- Steve
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