Hm. Even with the caveat of "generally", I think this complementarity argument fails 
because all the various categories are not disjoint. And it's the (somewhat) lack(ing) of 
grounding/binding that allows the mixing of the modes. I'd tried to point this out by using 
"computation", the idea that human innovation might be more universal than microbial 
innovation. It's not really that the values *lack* grounding. It's that their grounding is 
complicated, perhaps iterative? maybe heterarchical? IDK, but certainly not lacking any grounding.

An abstracted value system like that of the 09A OR MAGA cults may have *more* 
power, more chances to hook and unhook because it gives the donner and doffer 
of that value system more opportunities to do the donning and doffing at 
whatever arbitrary points they choose, to lazily benefit themselves without 
having to handle any unintended/unconsidered entailments.

On 10/8/23 18:18, Marcus Daniels wrote:
This doesn't make them more valuable because they lack grounding.

On 10/8/23 13:21, Marcus Daniels wrote:
Generally attaching to one value system means not attaching to another value 
system.   For example, adopting the value of tolerance logically is at odds 
with policing intolerance, e.g., one Jewish neighbor remarked this morning he 
drove past a home with a Hamas flag on it and was scared.   (Reducing that fear 
by removing the flag would be reducing tolerance.)

It seems to me that ideas that work have power and things that don’t work don’t 
have power.


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