good to hear your "voice",  DaveW!
Finally, the ideal of "non-attached" action and the omniscience that comes with achievement of Satori allows one to consciously and intentionally take the "correct," non karma accruing, action at every moment seems like the ultimate 'free will' in the sense that "you" intentionally make the correct turn at each juncture of Sopolsky's deterministic maze. Note this does not free you from the maze; merely allows you to actually choose each step of the path through the maze.

If I understand the metaphor intended, it seems that this reduces a maze to a labyrinth?

My own (limited) apprehension of Satori would suggest that if I were to achieve (approach?) that state the "maze" would reduce to a "labyrinth" as suggested above?

Or in the idiom of physics, Sapolsky's model suggests to me that human activity (consciousness in general) reduces to a "least action path", albeit through a high-dimensional space that nobody has (can?) identify in the same way Einstein said "God doesn't play Pachinko with the Universe" and insisted on there being simply "hidden variables"?

We are all just following geodesics on a high-dimensional manifold, and the illusion we call consciousness is a model running in our brains which seeks to modify itself up until there are "no surprises"?   Seeking enlightenment/Satori is an alternate path (to tweaking up one's internal model of reality) of choosing to (noticing) that said model will always be low-dimensional and will never be equal to the territory and therefore relaxes the attention into simply *noticing* the maze-following "choices" as they are made?

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