
Very interesting links, read through them quickly.
Most seem to offer replication-alike setups with various twists.

I'm unsure if there is an official definition of a clustered database, but I meant one in the sense that it's used for Oracle cluster & Mysql cluster. IOW fragments of your data reside in multiple copies on the database-datanodes. You end up talking to the SQL frontend which uses some way of finding the correct fragment of data on your data-nodes.

I think (but am not sure) that to call a database solution a cluster it would need to be able to store a larger total datavolume than the storage-space of a single node.

If it doesn't do that, it's a replication setup.

Don't get me wrong, replication is extremely useful and we're making heavy use of it. However, as far as I've always understood multi-master aka multi- write replication is very error-prone and unstable. Which seems logical to me if I try to imagine what should happen in a replication- setup when two clients are trying to update the same table with an autoincrement field at the same time on different replicationhosts.

I'd be interested in anyone's experiences with multi-master replication setups, anyone running one ?

Thanx for the links ;-)

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