On 03/09/2013 07:53 AM, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
>>> Lookup ipvshit
>>> I'll give you a hint.
>>> The guy who wrote most of the pf firewall that MAC OSX now uses as well
>>> as QNX, the latest version originating from OpenBSD and being far better
>>> than iptables has bought up lots of ipv4 just to stay away from ipvshit.
>> Tried searching for it. You're going to have to provide some useful
>> direct reference, because a basic search wasn't very illuminating.
> Perhaps Google doesn't approve of swear words?!

No, there was simply no useful result that came up. Incidentally, both
links you provide *did* come up...but I dismissed them because I
couldn't imagine anyone using them as a reference except in trying to
deride Henning Brauer.

> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=129666298029771&w=2

He goes from advocating NAT444 to a spew of pejoratives about something.
NAT444 is one of the nastiest, user-disempowering things to hit the
Internet to date. The rest of this email is him bitching about having to
parse CIDR notation.

> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=135325826302392&w=2

This email has absolutely no technical content whatsoever.

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