Paul Lussier said:

>>> how to get Verizon or AT&T to get off their collective behinds

Frankly, I think getting Verizon to do anything will be extremely
difficult. They are losing billions of dollars per year, according
to their public statements, and my SWAG is they're not going to be
interested in investing in expensive technologies for a limited market.
(I know where Paul lives, and his town's not much bigger than mine,
and the issues are similar). My opinion is that the reason they are
losing billions on paper is that they overbid on the last round of
wireless telephone spectra and have a bit of a supply-and-demand issue
there to be resolved. They aren't interested in ugrading last-mile
infrastructure if they aren't pressured hard to do so.

AT&T, on the other hand, is under a lot of public scrutiny because of
all of the cable systems they now own, the high demand for broadband
services at the retail (i.e., Harry Homeowner) level, and pressure
from local regulatory agencies - i.e., State PUCs *AND* town
governments. Cable TV franchises are generally (at least here in New
England) awarded on a _municipal_ level. So, if there are a lot of
technically-knowledgeable residents in a given town who want broadband
and can't seem to get it, putting pressure on the Board of Selectmen,
City Council, etc., does get results. It took a few years, but I raised
hell with my town government because the previous cable company (long
since bought out) didn't want to cable my road because it was too far
out in the boonies, even though I was about the only house among the
40-50 on the road who could get a signal off the air!

If your town's cable plant is still aluminum-jacketed coax instead of
the newer stuff, perhaps you need to start asking a lot of questions
as to _when_, not _if_, they will be upgrading to broadband!


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