> If kpsewhich -var-value TEXMF returns nothing, then TeX doesn't appear
> to be correctly installed. Have you tried making using TeX outside
> Gregorio?

Well, I have very little knowledge about Tex, but -in my experience-, openSUSE 
has a 
good package system, and TexLive, lualatex, etc. seems to be installed right, 
with all 
dependencies verified.
Learning Tex is in my TODO list.

By the way, TexLive versión in openSUSE 13.2 is 2013.20130620.svn30357

> Did you happen to install TeX right before installing Gregorio?  If so,
> I would log out (all the way to your log in screen), and then log back
> in and try kpsewhich -var-value TEXMF again.  If that returns something,
> then re-install Gregorio using the same steps and try Scribus again.  If
> it still doesn't work, run those commands again and let me know what you
> get.

TexLive, lualatex, Scribus, etc. were full installed before downloading 

I just logged out and in.

I run kpsewhich -var-value TEXMF, wich returns:

So, following your instructions, I re-installed Gregorio using the same steps.
I tried Scribus again, and I get the same errors.

So, here we have the output of the first commands:

kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFLOCAL
kpsewhich -var-value TEXMF
kpsewhich gregoriotex.tex
- - nothing - -
kpsewhich -all gregoriotex.tex
- - nothing - -
kpsewhich gregoriotex.sty
- - nothing - -
kpsewhich -all gregoriotex.sty
- - nothing - - 

> If, on the other hand, after logging out and back in, kpsewhich
> -var-value TEXMF still returns nothing, then TeX really insn't installed
> correctly.  Please try re-installing it.

It's not the case, because 
kpsewhich -var-value TEXMF

*Fr. Xavier Ryckeboer*

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