
I don't understand what seems to be a general stance of "we have a few bad actors therefore we should change feature X to the detriment of everyone".

First it was the MOTD.
Now it's Quickplay.

Why is the approach not to identify & specifically punish bad actors?

On 24/01/2014 12:24 PM, Chris Oryschak wrote:
Agreed.  Why don't you punish the communities/servers that are abusing
this.  Every step a good community takes moves forward to attempt to retain
the player gets flushed down the drain with these changes.
Quickplay is ultimately useless for any community, unless you are valve.

I currently have 235 players on my servers right now, of all of those only
23 players are from quickplay.  Seriously running servers for this game is
slowly becoming unenjoyable as a hobby.
One day they will hopefully realize that the communities they are truly
hurting are the ones that helped make them $139mil last year.

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 8:11 PM, Doctor McKay <mc...@doctormckay.com> wrote:


Adding a "Valve servers only" checkbox (that's checked by default) is going
to hurt enough (and only those communities that are playing by the rules;
cheating communities will just steal *more* traffic from the legitimate

It's now all but impossible to try to retain a client who joined via
Quickplay (and those are the clients we *need* to retain). We can't show
them our website. We can't even allow them to use a menu to jump to another
one of our servers anymore.

Please think about what you're doing. If your intention is to harm the good
communities, you're doing a fine job at it.

Dr. McKay
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