As it has become common now. Instead of actually fixing the underlying
problem they go for the nuclear quickfix option.

Quickplay was flawed to begin with. A server with a new quickplay id and
server ip can get full and stay full soon as it goes up if fake players are
Such completely new and untrusted servers should not have been getting
priority over established ones.

There were people on this very list saying how their QP traffic died up and
then they just created a new QP id and it came back.

Another thing to note is that valve's servers are completely un-moderated
and don't always have good performance. Votes are often abused.
Hackers are harder to get rid of as well. There's also no real community
presence on valve servers. You can't just pick a valve server and meet with
regulars there. You can't even expect that valve server to stay up.
Sometimes they go down for weeks or switch to Mann Up.

Why not have a trusted server option for quickplay? Have someone at valve
(or even possibly the players themselves through some means) approve
servers and make sure these ones match valve's goals for quickplay.

In the end it's not like valve will even have all their servers up and
properly maintained all the time. I'm sure they will decrease the number
again when they feel like it. And by then there might not be enough vanilla
community servers around to handle the surplus traffic properly. Which can
lead to players being sent to less vanilla servers like during other bigger
updates. Halloween being one example where quickplay was sending players to
unregistered servers as well as servers running more than 24 slots.

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 10:08 AM, Rudy Bleeker <> wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 5:27 AM, dan <> wrote:
> > Why add all the incentives to win MvM and none for the multiplayer and,
> > worse,
> > make those MvM prizes hurt the multiplayer objectives even more?
> The answer to this is simple. Official MvM mode where you get those
> prizes, aka Mann-Up, still makes Valve money with the sale of tickets
> and surplus vouchers, where as community servers or even their own
> quickplay servers don't really since you can buy your hats and other
> items for MvM as well as the 'normal' game.
> As for the rest of the discussion, I would argue that Valve has chosen
> to dumb down the whole TF2 experience for new and existing players to
> a one-button solution and this is just the latest step towards that
> goal (maybe even the last). From that you could conclude that they
> don't give a damn about communities anymore, I don't really have an
> opinion about that. Fact is that they now have more control over the
> player experience, which seems to be what they want so I doubt they'll
> revert this change.
> --
> Idleness is not doing nothing. Idleness is being free to do anything.
>   - Floyd Dell
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