On 24/01/2014 04:47, Chris Oryschak wrote:
We can all just play on valve servers but you are failing to realize that
we are the ones that made TF2 better.  Playing vanilla with no sense of
community, added benefits; stats, incentives, contests that some of us run
make TF2 enjoyable to keep coming back to play.  We are added value that
helps keep TF2 interesting.

Self evidently not if you're worried about this.
You've listed 2 words "benefits, incentives" - that aren't actually
concrete things.

Besides, Valve could do benefits, incentives and run
contests, is that really a competition you want?

They could add stats easily enough if they
wanted to and if they made sense (but the stats TF2 servers
use are nonsensical anyway)

It still doesn't answer the basic question - why
does everyone here think they are entitled to players on
their server?

I tell you the main reason I would stop playing TF2 on pub servers, it's
because the pub community isn't interested in playing the game.
It's just dull playing on servers that have the same set of disinterested players
all the time that don't play to win.

I notice this most of all when Valve take their servers away for whatever reason (halloween for e.g) I join servers with 24 people that are simply not playing.

I suppose the comp community is the answer here, but
there's a lot of hassle and organisation required to get 6v6
and you end up (at least my son did when he did it) spending
more time organising 12 people to all turn up at the same time
on the same server as you do actually playing.

And I don't want that hassle, but I would play on servers that had
people who wanted to win on them. I don't mean they play
sniper and use the option to vote to scramble if their team is losing
or switch teams if they think red has the better players. I mean people
who want to win and play to that end, win or lose.

That would be a community worth joining. But no one has afaict
created that community, or tried to create that community.

I don't see these communities of servers and servers and players that
are making the game great. I just see a group of people that run
what they they think they need to make money and to
feel like they're in charge of a bunch of people.

e.g If I look down MrMcKay's list of plugins he's written on his website,
it seems many of them are concerned with exercising control over people
or invading their privacy.
Whether it's faking convars or letting admins impersonate players, or seeing who they have muted. There's nothing there to make the game better from the player's perspective. For sure, you can say some of these things are needed, but there's no evidence of people adding benefits
to the game. No evidence of to them showing Valve how it should be done.

Perhaps a few people who run one server, but, because everyone else is running loads of servers they are wasting their time unless they have a group of friends that will join and play.

Because the TF2 player base doesn't magically increase because you run a server or 100.

It's like trying to trade in TF2 with 1 account. People came along that created 20+ accounts - and that didn't make them rich like they hoped. They just got the same money but now they are doing 20x the work that they did before. Greed just caused the value
of items in the economy to nose dive.

Running servers for the same sized player base is no different. There's no more money to be had by increasing the number of servers you run. There aren't more players magically created and
any buffoon can run lots of servers, there's no barrier to entry - and there
really is very few out there, if any, with the imagination to actually make their servers better.

I think valve have created a bit of a monster.

A community of people who used to play a game, but now don't want to do
anything now unless it makes them money - even if it costs them more money to
buy what they need to make that money.

The people that run piles and piles of servers are just doing that.
They aren't creating community and if they are, well
Valve must be too with their servers, because they are
doing the same thing.

Unless you're suggesting that plugins make a community
because that's the only real difference between valve's servers
and most of the others.


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