
The program's DCB attributes take priority over (i.e.
'override') the DCB attributes on DASD for OUTPUT, and the DCB
attributes on DASD take priority over (i.e. 'override') the
program's DCB for INPUT. If a program 'disagrees' with that and
tries to override the DCB attributes on DASD anyway, with its
own DCB attributes and for an INPUT, it crashes with an I/O
error. Crashing with an I/O error indicates that the program's
DCB was unable - not able - to override the DCB attributes on DASD.

What we have here is a failure to communicate. Your statement above makes it evident that you are using "DCB attributes on DASD" as applying to the format of the data, whereas the other participants in this merry-go-round are referring to the DCB parameters in the format 1 DSCB (DS1RECFM, DS1LRECL, DS1BLKL).

In several examples in this discussion, I've seen RECFM=VBA used to override RECFM=FBA. This leads me to believe, IMNSHO, that several contributors need to RTFM, especially with respect to the actual record contents and formats. Failure to grasp these differences can lead to endless frustration and gnashing of teeth.


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